Compelling Careers in Agriculture

This activity will introduce students to compelling careers in the ag industry.

Compelling Careers in Agriculture

The Multidisciplinary AGricultural Integrated Curriculum (mAGic) was created in 2004 under the leadership of the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and Facilitating Coordination in Agricultural Education Project (FCAE). Funding was provided through the FCAE grant budget from the agricultural education line item of the ISBE budget. All of the mAGic lessons can be found at


Ag-Venture with Careers

Learn more about potential careers in the agriculture industry with this Ag-Venture activity sheet that pairs with the Career Ag Mag.

Careers in Agriculture

Learn about eight career focus areas in agriculture and careers that fall under each area in this fun matching activity!

Superheroes of Ag

Students will learn about important figures in agriculture while creating their own comic strip to depict their figure's contributions to society.