Sprouting Success in Illinois from North to South

Choosing plants that are best to grow in your area is an important first step in having a successful crop. A good place to start is to research plants that are best suited for your growing zone.

Sprouting Success in Illinois from North to South

The Multidisciplinary AGricultural Integrated Curriculum (mAGic) was created in 2004 under the leadership of the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and Facilitating Coordination in Agricultural Education Project (FCAE). Funding was provided through the FCAE grant budget from the agricultural education line item of the ISBE budget. All of the mAGic lessons can be found at http://www.ilaged.org/AITC.


Desktop Greenhouse

Challenge your students to use their STEM skills to design a small greenhouse that can grow plants all year round.

Ag-Venture with Seasons

Students can develop nonfiction reading skills while learning about specialty crops in Illinois with the Seasons Ag Mag.

Ag-Venture with Farmers Market

Strengthen students' nonfiction reading skills and teach them more about Farmers Markets with this worksheet to be paired with the Farmers Market Ag Mag.