Have your students craft their own maga"zines" to learn more about a variety of agricultural topics!
Read the latest updates from the IL Ag in the Classroom Team!
Have your students craft their own maga"zines" to learn more about a variety of agricultural topics!
Livestock farmers are hard at work all year long - even in the cold winter months - raising animals that give us food and fiber products! This month we will celebrate these hardworking farmers by sharing some of our favorite beef and pork resources.
Tis the season to be thankful! Check out all of our lessons, videos, and other resources all related to the December holidays!
Congrats to Amanda Stanko, the 2024 IAITC Teacher of the Year!
What do chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys all have in common? THEY'RE POULTRY! Check out all of our egg-cellent lessons on poultry!
Every year October rolls around and what does that mean Illinois? PUMPKINS! Check out "All Things Pumpkins" to discover Illinois' connection to this famous gourd!
It's fall y'all and you know what that means... APPLES! Check out all these awesome IAITC Apple Resouces to plant a 'seed' of excitement about agriculture!
August is National Back to School Month! Check out all these amazing resources to get you back into your classroom!